Bringing Your "A" Game - High School Senior Photography with Ohio Senior Portrait Photographer1/11/2020
Bringing your "A" game in whatever it is you do will prepare you for whatever life throws at you. You can plan and prepare but sometimes there's a curve ball thrown your way. Heather truly brought her best game to both of her Flash Factor Photography senior portrait sessions in her preparation. We held her pre-consultation meeting via phone a week before her first session and discussed what to wear, accessories, details... This not only helped Heather be prepared but also helped me formulate shot lists for her two photo shoots with some of the standard sports shots along with some creative shots to try and get her published in a senior magazine with a sports theme which had a submission deadline just a couple days after her sports photo session.
Heather took my photography coaching to heart and came prepared to both of her Flash Factor Photography senior photography sessions. Her first session was a softball sports theme session where she went all out in her full uniform complete with painted nails in school colors (green, white with bonus softball stripes) to eye black stickers under her eyes that we shot at her high school softball field. She's a four year letter earner for softball so it's been a big part of her life and was important for her to capture some great shots of her in that setting. Great news! Her all out effort paid off and helped me to get her published in the Senior Year Magazine - 2019 Girls in Sports edition. Heather also came super prepared to her Fall photo session with multiple outfits (casual and dress), accessories, nails professionally done, and new boots. She definitely brought her "A" game with her Flash Factor Photography photo sessions! I am excited to see where her senior softball season takes her once the season rolls around. But I can say without hesitation, I am one of her biggest fans because this girl has game in softball and life!!! Comments are closed.
August 2024
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